One brew day – several sour(ish) beers
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Random “helper” captured while preparing the fruit for this beer |
This is a big post, providing information on three very different beers, all brewed from a single wort a little over a month ago. This has been (and continues to be) a pretty exciting series of beers – from a single wort I made a dry hopped berliner weiss, an experimental beer with the yeast Lachancea thermotolerans, and a fruited/bretted beer using wild grapes and the flora of those grapes!
At the heart of these three very different beers is an incredibly simple wort – a 44L (11.6 US gallon) batch of a no-boil Beliner Weisse, based loosely on the Milk the Funk Berliner Weisse recipe. Rather than post my recipe, I’d direct you to the previous link. The only modifications I made were in my procedures:
- I mashed at 62.8C for 75 minutes, to get a drier final beer than the MTF standard recipe.
- The wort was not boiled; instead I heated it to ~90C, and let it sit at this temperature for 10 minutes prior to cooling to 45C for pitching of the Lactobacillus.
- No hops were used in the mash or boil.
Lachancea thermotolerans
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L. thermotolerans beer |
This was supposed to be a side-by-side of two different Lachancea species – L. thermotolerans and L. fermentii. Unfortunately, while the “thermotolerans” is reflective of that species better high-temperature survival, it is a relative term, meaning that the L. thermotolerans barely survived the 28C incubator I use to grow my yeast, while the L. fermenti died screeming. So this experiment got paired down to a single species of Lachancea.
My interest in these yeasts is motivated by a fairly unusual characteristic of them – namely, that they produce lactic acid. In theory, these yeasts could be used to prepare a Berliner Weisse or Gose style beer without the use bacteria for souring. This could be a great time-saver, and remove the concerns raised when introducing souring organisms into a brewery.
The 4L of wort used for this beer was transferred into a 4L glass fermenter and a small (250 ml) starter of L. thermotolerans pitched. Within a few days fermentation was complete, but I let it sit an additional 2 weeks to give the yeast a chance to clean up any off-flavours. The beer was then transferred to 500 mL plastic bottles and force-carbonated with a carb-cap.
Sadly, this yeast did not make a nice beer. The beer itself looks nice, much clearer than expected given the wheat content of the beer and lack of hot-break. But as pretty as it is, the flavour simply does not work. This yeast has a very strong ester character, similar to apple cider (not the green-apple taste of acetaldehyde, but rather the taste of unfermented apple cider). This is “complemented” by a sweetness (from the esters I assume, given the FG was 1.002) along with a bit of an “unclean” flavour that is hard to describe. The level of acidity is very modest – a mild “tang” along with a bit of a lactic taste. In my opinion the lactic character clashes poorly with the apple character…my wife, who hates beer, disagrees and actually likes this beer quite a bit. I’m aging some of this beer for an additional few months to see if it improves; I’ll post on this sometime in October.
Dry-Hopped Berliner Weisse
After pasturization and pulling the 4L of wort for the Lachancea thermotolerans beer, I cooled the remaining 40L of wort to 45C, at which point I pitched an ~1L starter of my brewing guilds custom lacto strain, named “Lacto godzillicus” after its ability to sour almost anything at almost any temperature. I insulated my kettle with a bit of water-heater insulation (see my old post for how I set this up) and let the temperature free-fall to ambient (about 25C in my garage) over a period of 2 days. At this point the wort was fully soured, and I transferred it, unpasturized and without additional boiling, into two 23L carboys.
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40L of soured wort, 12 hours after pitching yeast |
Each carboy was pitched with 1 packet of rehydrated US-05, which as it turns out, was a poor choice of yeast (unlike my preferred Wyeast 1007, US-05 is quite slow in soured wort and took 2 weeks to ferment to completion). Rather than affixing a blow-off tube, I simply put a foil cap on top of each carboy, which was replaced after the main fermentation completed (~6 days) with airlocks. 14 days after pitching the yeast I dry-hopped one of the carboys with 60g (~2.4oz) of Galaxy and 30g (~1.2oz) of Citra. Three days later I transfered the beer to a carboy and force-carbonated to 2.4 volumes.
Unlike the first beer created from this wort, this one did not disappoint. In fact, it may be one of the best beers of 2016! Here’s the breakdown:
Appearance: Pours straw-yellow, with a faint wheat haze. The head on the beer is thick and pillowy. Sour beers often have a reputation for poor head retention – I don’t know if its because of the no-boil approach, or the particular lactobacillus used – but the head on this beer lasts and lasts and lasts, leaving Belgian lace on the glass right to the last sip.
Aroma: A refreshing papaya and citrus note dominates the aroma of the beer. A subtle lactic character is also present in the background.
Flavour: WOW. Up front is the acidity provided by the lactobacillus – its not an intense, enamel-stripping acidity, but rather is a more modest acidity. This sourness perfectly balances the tropical fruit flavours provided by the hops, which provide not only a fruit flavour, but also a subtle sweetness. The combination of the two provides a character almost that of fruit juice – though-be-it, a quite acidic fruit juice. The malt provides a soft bready character to the beer – but while present, this character is subtle and comes out more in the aftertaste than in the sip of beer itself. The aftertaste is a mix of fruit-sweetness and bready maltiness, which fades into a nice fruit note.
Mouthfeel: The beer is dry and provides an acidic tingle on the tongue. Very, very refreshing.
Overall: Hot damn, this is a good beer. Well balanced, refreshing, easily drinkable and yet also a beer which you can slowly savour. A great beer to enjoy in the dog days of summer. One of the better beers of this year, and quite possibly the best Berliner I’ve brewed to date.
Fruited Berliner
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Left: ~10 minutes after adding grapes, right: 3 weeks after adding grapes |
Where were you able to get Lachancea thermotolerans? I would love to experiment with this strain. I go to a brewing college in Alberta, Canada and have a good lab to work with. I’m a total yeast-head and want to spend the majority of my time in the program working with various yeasts and bacteria.
I got it from a yeast scientist, and unforgettably, I agreed not to share it as a condition of having it given to me. It is available commercially for winemaking (under a slightly different name; Kluyveromyces thermotolerans), for example:
Are you at Olds? They may have it available through their program.
Yeah fair enough. I am at Olds (currently on Christmas break). I will look into ordering some in! The college is willing to bring in any yeast requested by the students. We are adding new strains to the bank every week.
I did an experiment where I made several spontaneous fermentation “starters” in jars and set them near various fruit orchards and trees. I didn’t feel confident about drinking any of them or pitching them as a starter directly so I worked on plating out what I got from the jars until I was down to plates that didn’t have mold spores or yellow mucus colonies. I didn’t get any useful bacteria unfortunately (I had growth on only one HLP plate and it ended up being a bacillus spore), but I did get growth on UBA (+) and (-) plates for every jar.
Currently I’m propping up a starter from a UBA (+) plate that originated from a jar placed near a raspberry bush. Under the microscope I saw soccer ball shaped cells, which I feel means that it’s at least yeast. I didn’t get to observe it much when I went to a 1L flask on a stir plate from 100 mL of starter placed in an incubator since I was in the midst of finals at that time. When I picked it up from the lab it had a cake of sediment at the bottom. So now I have it home and I’m stepping it up again in the 1L with fresh wort, but I don’t see much activity (it’s been about two days) and the spent wort smelled like rotten pineapple, canned oranges, and tomato sauce. I took a ph reading on the spent wort and it went down to 4.1. I took a gravity reading which was pretty high at 9 plato. So this time around I took a gravity reading of the new wort to have something to compare against after this round of propagation is done.
In your experience, do wild yeasts usually act slower in a starter than lab yeasts? Also, should I judge this yeast based on the weird smell I got from the spent starter wort?
Sorry for the delay – I’ve been sick and not keeping track of stuff on the ‘net. Sounds like you’re on the right track to finding yeast – that said, I’ve had far better luck finding good yeast by plating out wild cultures that made a good beer than in plating out random (untested) cultures.
As for your specific strain, it sounds like you may have an oxidative strain of yeast – e.g. one that ferments poorly. These tend to throw a lot of esters and not attenuate much.
My general advice would be:
1) Do a wild capture, let it ferment until a low terminal gravity is reached (at least 75% attenuation). Smell it – if it smells good, move forwards…if it smells bad, toss it.
1.5 – optional) Taste the wort; if it is good, move forwards, if not, toss it.
2) Transfer some of the sediment into fresh wort and let it ferment; you should get a similar level of attenuation and a similar aroma/flavour profile as in steps 1/1.5; this second ferment will help to enrich the fermentative yeast.
3) Plate the resulting yeast and begin selecting/screening pure cultures.
Actually, yes!
It really improved over time; the ester character faded, leaving the modest acidity and a bit of an earthy note also developed. Became somewhat like a tart saison.
10 or so months later, any update on how well the Lachancea thermotolerans beer aged?
Great Bryan thanks for getting back to me. It would be interesting to do a side by side to see if there is any difference, especially on the perceived malt character. In darker beers with more specialty malt it might be even more apparent.
Normally I boil my belriners twice – after the mash, and after souring. I avoided both boils this time for differing reasons. Avoiding boils (in general), for Berliners, has a reputation for better preserving the malt character, giving a 'breadier' finish. I had not done a no-boil previously, so I wanted to see whether I could pick that up in my berliners. I'm not sure I sense much of a difference, but I'm also not comparing side-by-side.
I didn't pasteuriser/boil after souring as I wanted the lacto to carry over into the fermenter.
Hi, great article, I was just wondering why did you decided not to boil wort? Is there an advantage?