The Darkest-er Beer Ever!
Brewing of the darkest (er) beer ever made; a whopping 100 SRM of inky blackness, brewed in the theme of a Czech dark lager.
Read moreRecipes from Sui Generis Brewing
Brewing of the darkest (er) beer ever made; a whopping 100 SRM of inky blackness, brewed in the theme of a Czech dark lager.
Read moreRecipe and tasting notes for a quick-sour IPA brewed with two GMO yeasts – yeasts engineered to be acid producing and to drive bioconversion.
Read moreI’m bringing back an old IPA tradition, and brewing a new version of the Black Mamba IPA – a black IPA brewed with homegrown hops.
Read moreRecipe and tasting notes for a Czech-inspired dark lager. Not 100% on-style, but a delicious lager with hints of toffee and coffee.
Read moreGrowing and brewing with a unique historical hop.
Read moreA rebrewing of my “All The Trends” IPA, using a yeast which thiolized the cascade and centennial hops into tropical magic.
Read moreRecipe and tasting notes for Thiolize This! – a peach & mango sour beer fermented with a thiolizing yeast. Did it work? Click to find out!
Read moreCompanion blog post for my newest video. Contains the recipes for the cheese, beer, and mead featured in the video.
Read moreIPAs have changed a lot since the mid-1990’s when I first started brewing them. Can you combined four decades of IPA trends into a single beer?
Read morePilsners are a thing of simple beauty, but brewing a good one can be a challenge. It took a few iterations, but I finally have a great SMaSH recipe.
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