Welcome to the new Sui Generis Brewing! This site is a revamp of my old blog, the original which remains preserved at blogspot. This re-launch of SGB is not merely a change in the visual style and web address of my blog, and rather is a total revamp of the blog. I am changing the format of my blog to be less of a personal brew-blog, and more of a media-centric technical reference on homebrewing, yeast management, wild/sour brewing and other areas of my brewing interests.
As a scientist/microbiologist by profession, I tend to take a more scientific and technical view of brewing than most, and have applied this to much of my personal brewing and to my writing/videos on brewing. I’ve been homebrewing for over 20 years, and have over 300 batches of beer under my belt (literally, figuratively, and in pant-size). While I love homebrewing in general, my brewing passions are vintage (long-aged) beers, wild & sour beers, and experimental beers that utilise novel yeasts, bacteria and brewing techniques. On this website, and its attendant YouTube channel, Twitter feed, Facebook page and Instagram account, you will find articles on a range of topics ranging from basic homebrewing (equipment builds, recipes & tasting notes), to articles on the science behind brewing, to harvesting wild yeasts and brewing sour beers, through to hard-core brewing science topics such as the biochemistry of fermentation, the genetic identification of yeasts, and creating your own yeast strains.
How to Contact Me:
I can be contacted at:
Obviously you must replace the stuff in the curly brackets with the appropriate symbols.