Überschuss = Übergood
So the Überschuss European Ale is in the keg. It turned out very well, especially considering I essentially pulled the recipe out of my ass.
The beer stayed in the primary for 3 weeks – AKA the time from brew-day to the return from my holiday. After transferring to the keg I added 1 package of “bloomed” gelatin to help clear the beer, and put it in the fridge under ~13 PSI of CO2. One week later it was cleared and carbed.
The beer itself was darker than expected, and pours with a bubbly head that collapses over a few minutes into a thin, but creamy, lace that lasts the whole pint. As you can see, my keggerator woes were not completely fixed by my modification to my kegging setup, meaning I still have a bit of building to do.